Ubuntu and Empowerment: "free access" - "world community"

emmanuel idemudia emimudia at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 1 16:23:38 UTC 2006

Dear sir,
  Ever since i have being interested to work with you what have you people done about my welfare.Have you check if i have a system on my own I spent my own money on computer timing just to get to you.Please I am to with with this ubuntu community I needed to be granted an aid to help do that.
  Thanks with Regard,

Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
  Lonn wrote:

> Please post to the list -- any communication directed at me. I would like
> everyone to have the opportunity to recognize those who are culturally
> insensitive.

Beside the fact that this belongs on Sounder, as others have said, you're
counselling people to commit a criminal act. In most jurisdictions, the
contents of a mail (including email) sent to another person belong to the
author. Posting that in a public forum without the permission of the
author is always in bad taste and often illegal.

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