Mldonkey too old? LowID?

Zach uid000 at
Wed Feb 1 11:26:06 UTC 2006

Your performance will suffer significantly with a low id.  This means
that other edonkey clients aren't able to connect to your client to
get slices of the files you're downloading.  The edonkey protocol
penalizes clients which are unable to share.

As mentioned previously, if you are behind a NAT, you need to forward
the ports that your client is configured to use.  Generally this is
4662 TCP & 4672 UDP, however most clients allow you to configure the
ports.  In fact if you run an edonkey client on more than one machine
on your network, you need to configure them each to use different
ports, since you can't forward the same port to different machines.

Regarding the "Your edonkey client is too old, please update it"
error, that is likely unrelated.  I run amule, and have never see that

On 2/1/06, Colin Brace <cb at> wrote:
> On 1/31/06, Dave M G <martin at> wrote:
> > | WARNING : You have a lowid. Please review your network config and/or
> > your settings.
> This is documented in various places on the net, i.e.
> . It just means you are
> behind a firewall or router and can't accept incoming connections. You
> can either open port 4662 in your firewall/forward port 4662 to your
> LAN IP, or just ignore it. It simply means you will not be able to
> connect to as many clients.
> --
>   Colin Brace
>   Amsterdam
> --
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