Black & White Printing

Linda Hanigan haniganwork at
Sun Dec 31 19:05:35 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-12-30 at 16:39 -0600, Michael Satterwhite wrote:

> >> Does anyone know a simple way to tell CUPS to render the document in
> >> black and white?
> > 
> > Printing from Openoffice, for example:
> > 
> > File --> Print...
> > In the print dialog box, click Properties..., then click label Device,
> > and you can change Printout mode or Resolution, Quality, Ink type
> That's great when using OpenOffice, but I don't see those options in
> other programs such as gpdf. Sometimes I need to print with programs
> other than ooO.

Does anyone know if you can still just set it up as a separate printer
in CUPS. I used to have a printer that was set up twice once to print
normal once to print duplex. If it still is possible in the current
version of CUPS that would be a simple solution.

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