java 2RE

Gilles Gravier Gilles at
Sun Dec 31 15:58:05 UTC 2006


What application are you trying to run? Normally, using the sun-java5-* 
packages... you should be able to run anything that is built for the 
standard Java runtime environment. If this is a publicly available 
application, can you point me to the place to download it, that I may 
test it? Maybe your application is a game that needs Java OpenGL 
support? Or additional graphical classes?

As a reference, in order to have a good JRE support, you should have the 
following packages installed at minimum :


(Note that fonts might not be absolutely necessary depending on what you 
are running).

I recommend using Synaptic Package Manager to install them.

If you want to be able to compile Java applications, throw in 
"sun-java5-jdk" as well.

Once you have installed the packages, remember to run the proper command 
to enable them :

sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun

Which will automagically build the proper symlinks to enable that newly 
installed runtime. It will generate a whole lot of messages... if you 
have not installed JDK, the first half of them will be "jdk alternatives 
does not exist"... which is not a problem...

Once this is done, run :

java -version

In order to verify which version of Java you are running... it should 
say "java version "1.5.0_08" or something very close.

As a test example, download AppGate's MindTerm (SSH terminal written 
100% in Java and using a nice, but not too complex set of features) :

cd mindterm_3.0.1-bin
java -jar mindterm.jar

If, after, maybe, a couple of warning diagnostic lines in your terminal 
window, and a few popups to click, you get a nice window saying "appGATE 
MindTerm" then your Java environment is properly set and you should have 
no more problems.

Note: As a Sun person, I should write Java(TM) everywhere... but what 
the heck. :) The aim is to help you get the stuff running nicely.

Tell us how it goes!


norman wrote:
> < snip >
>>> You are very fortunate in that you know what you are doing. I have no
>>> real idea on how to tweak anything thus, my instinct is to go for the
>>> easiest for me to do. I know how to type instructions into a terminal
>>> and that's as far as my experience goes.
>> Do you need the latest java ? If not, there are packages from the
>> multiverse repository you can install: -
>> sun-java5-bin    <-- this will pull in the runtime as a dependency
> The application I want to run specifies J2SE JRE. I have tried
> sun-java5.bin but the application does not fully run. For example the
> various windows appear and seem to work except that images needed do not
> show.
> Thanks for your suggestions.
> Norman

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