DWL-G630 revision E2

Tee Jay Rosene teejayrosene at gmail.com
Sun Dec 31 03:34:41 UTC 2006

> Message: 2
> > Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 00:30:20 +0100 (CET)
> > From: "Sturla Holm Hansen" <sturla at hitconsult.no>
> > Subject: DWL-G630 revision E2
> > To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> > Message-ID:
> >        < 36480. at mail.hitconsult.no>
> > Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> >
> > Hi list, I have a DWL-G630 revision E2 that I try to get to work in
> > Kubuntu 6.10.
> > I have tried all I could google up, this card uses an RALINK chipset,
> > but
> > listed as "Ralink unknown device 0302" in lspci, I tried the rt61 and
> > rt2500 modules, both load but none connects to the freakin' card, so I'm
> > kinda stuck, I would like to get this to work without ndiswrapper, so
> > any
> > hints anyone could give me would be great!
> >
> > The thing I don't get is that the card shows up as wlan0, and SOMETIMES
> > find something when I run "iwlist scanning" but not all the time, but in
> > knetworkmanager it's listed as a wired network card.
> > I don't know what driver it's using as it is and I don't know why
> > knetworkmanager lists is as a wired card when it's named wlan0 and can
> > sometimes scan for networks...
> >
> > Im stuck, so as I said, any suggestions....
> >
> > Thanx
> >
> > Sturla
> I have the a DWL G650, and although it is not the same card as yours, I
had the same problems. I actually banged my head against the wall for about
six months trying to figure out how to get it working. Finally, I posted a
question to users on ubuntu.ca and I was given very helpful and useful
advice. This is what it was:

> If you're on Edgy, search synaptic for restricted-modules, install the
> package for your architecture (probably 'generic' or 'i386'), reboot, and
> then it should be detected.
> If you're on Dapper I suggest you reboot after removing ndiswrapper.
> Once you've rebooted, check System>Administration>Networking, and see if
> the
> wireless card is listed. If there is an entry for wireless networking
> there,
> then your card has been detected.
> If the card is still not being detected, then I would first check that the
> pcmcia card bus and other laptop doodads are working properly - search the
> forums and the internet for linux on your particular computer.
> You may want to try booting the kernal with options such as noapic or
> acpi=off, to see if that works, the former was necessary on one of my
> laptops for it to recognise the soundcard, wifi and pcmcia bus on hoary.
> Once it's detected:
> 1. Turn off any security on your wireless network
> 2. Install network-manager and network-manager-gnome (assuming you're on
> Ubuntu)
> 3. Restart Gnome. You should see a network icon in the top righthand.
> Click
> it. Does it give you wireless network options? If so, sign onto your
> network.
> 4. Once you have it working, then you can enable the security, and network
> manager will disconnect you and ask you for the WEP passphrase/whatever.
> If
> you are using WPA security, then you have to install some other packages,
> so
> search for that in the forums.
> Hope that helps.
> Brendan

So now I pass this information on to you; I hope it helps. I know it sure
helped me.
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