Posts to user list not going through ?

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Sat Dec 30 18:06:58 UTC 2006

norman wrote:

> > Has anyone examined Received: headers to see how the messages are
> > getting to you? Are they actually coming through the list, or from
> > somewhere else?
> This is the headers do they mean anything to you.

Only that my message got to you by way of the list. :)

Sorry, my bad... I meant one of the bounced messages itself. The
headers from the actual error report will tell if that message came
through the list, or direct from the offending server to your account.
And the message that caused the bounce wouldn't hurt either. It will
most likely confirm the suspicion that some list readers are replying
to "all" and some are not. Those who reply to addresses other than the
list itself are of course subject to the whims and faults of whoever
they send messages to. Not much the list maintainers can do about it.

That's why I reply *only* to the list. No CC's to the author or
anything unless I say so specifically. Gotta love Claws-Mail for that.
It's configurable to reply list-only by default, but the options for
"all" and "author" are a drop down selection in the composition
window. :-)

I see you're using evolution... not to knock a fine piece of software
or anything, but it being a "groupware" type application I suspect it
will default to replying to every address it sees. It's been ages since
I used it, but I remember it being funny that way. It use to multi-post
Usenet messages (generate a separate message for each group) rather than
cross post by putting all the group names in the Newsgroups header of
a single post. It's a bit annoying to people who like to read messages
only once. ;)

     _?_      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
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