Home IMAP server

Colin Brace cb at lim.nl
Sat Dec 30 11:39:31 UTC 2006

On 12/30/06, Jeffrey F. Bloss <jbloss at tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> It doesn't just depend on the ISP, it depends on every mail server you
> have any contact with at all. Even the "big boys" have occasional
> problems getting mail through. The nice thing for them is they have the
> leverage to get things fixed in a timely manner. That's yet another
> reason not to run a primary mail server on a residential account.
> People are more likely to tell you to go fly a kite if you do have
> trouble. Starting with your own ISP.
> If your Speakeasy assigned IP worked for your needs that's great for
> you, but anecdotal evidence from one or two ISP accounts is hardly what
> anyone could call a "big picture". After more than 20 years of getting
> computers to play nice with each other in every way shape and form
> imaginable I can *guarantee* you it's not the big picture. You were
> lucky to be the exception to a rule, and the situation is getting
> worse not better.

A question then for you:  Up to now, my domains have been registered
at ISP x, I have ADSL via ISP y, and web site hosted at company z. The
primary mail server has been the web hosting company. I am thinking of
giving the latter account up and hosting my pages on my own sever. If,
following your advice, I don't run the primary mailserver myself, who
then should I ask to do so? My ADSL ISP? Some other third party?


  Colin Brace

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