hide linux partitions from Windows XP

Trevor Nye trevor.nye at trnye.co.uk
Sat Dec 30 10:29:22 UTC 2006

On 12/29/06, Felipe Figueiredo < philsf at ufrj.br> wrote: 


I have almost always used dual boot here, but I am using LVM since only a
months. To my dismay, Windows does NOT auto-ignore these partitions, giving
me useless D:, E: , drives.

More than the inconvenient of having my CD-ROM drive letter pushed away to
middle of the alphabet, I am constantly startled by the possibility that 
Windows actually corrupts my main OS partitions'.

So, does anybody know how to hide non-FAT partitions from Windows? I am
Edgy 6.10 up-to-date.



In windohz 

Control panel

Administrative tools

Computer management

Disk management ---- you will see a graphic of your disk layout, right click
on the drive you want to change the drive letter of 

Click Change you will see a drop down of the available letters, allocate the
Ubuntu space a letter of "y" & "z"


Click back out again and finish








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