Quick question(s) re dosfsck

The Joker thejoker at iinet.net.au
Sat Dec 30 00:15:44 UTC 2006

Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can comment on this one if I get it 
wrong, but I think you can change the options in the /etc/fstab file to 
skip checking VFAT partitions.

I believe it's the last option in the line in question.

A relevant line from my /etc/fstab file is:

UUID=42D2-898B  /media/data     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 

(Line may wrap)

Change the last number (probably 1) in the line referencing your drive 
to a 0 and everything should be hunky-dory.

I had the same issue with a large file on my VFAT partition - am ISO 
file got truncated to 0 bytes because of this.

Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> When I boot, dosfsck is reporting that the two copies of the boot sector
> don't match. Does anyone know a relatively easy way to fix this?
> Also, which script is being executed that is calling dosfsck during
> boot? After it reports the above problem, the bootup script grinds for
> about 4-5 minutes before continuing. I'm guessing that it's scanning the
> vfat partition. I'd like to modify the script to only do that  disk scan
> about every 10th time I boot. When it does the scan, it's taking me
> about 5 minutes to complete a boot - which is silly.
> Thanks in advance.
> ---Michael

The Joker: thejoker at iinet.net.au

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