Where do I go now?

Bill Cairns Bill.Cairns at eskom.co.za
Thu Dec 28 07:32:13 UTC 2006

NB: This email and its contents are subject to the Eskom Holdings Limited EMAIL LEGAL NOTICE
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>>> On 28 December 2006 at 01:02 AM, in message
<d12e5c90612271502m5671c4bag5b311d6fcdbfcf7a at mail.gmail.com>, "Senectus
<senectus at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27/12/06, Bill Cairns <Bill.Cairns at eskom.co.za> wrote:
>> NB: This email and its contents are subject to the Eskom Holdings
>> which can be viewed at http://www.eskom.co.za/email_legalnotice 
>> I am having problems with my USB memory stick under Dapper. I am
using a
>> fairly old machine with only USB 1.1 ports.
>> I have tried "Absolute Beginners Forum" (where I belong). I have
>> searched the forums - there seem to have been some similar problems
>> reported on the "Hardware and Laptops" forum, but they all just
>> out with no resolution. The indication is that there are definitely
>> funny problems associated with speeds or formats or something. But
>> don't see solutions.
>> Where can I go from here?
> Can you plug the device in, wait a few seconds then type the
following into
> a shell:
> lsusb
> Then show what the output is please?
> Thanks

I get (sorry if there is a typo - I have to copy this - no way of
cutting and pasting!) :

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0457:0151 Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. Super
Flash 1G
B Flash Drive
Bus 001 Device 0001: Id 0000:0000

[So at least it does see a drive!]



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