To Kernel, or not to kernel :-)

Matt Price matt.price at
Tue Dec 26 21:55:20 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-22-12 at 21:33 -0500, stan wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2006 at 09:19:28PM -0500, Qiuli Han wrote:
> > Hi
> > Are you sure that is the kernel problem not the script's problem?
> Looks like cdrdao still needs IDE-SCSI, which aparantly cdrecord doees not.
> I have scripts using both. I suspect that the cdrdao ones could be converted
> to use cdrecord.
> That's really a part of the questions. Which would be a better use
> of the effort. Trying to convert the scripts, or compiling
> a custom kernel. Looks like Ubuntu releases new kernel packages
> fairly often.
> > 
> > if you sure it is the kernel's problem, well...pick the last stable release
> > then
> Once upon a time thee was a stable branch, and a development branch. 
> Looks like it's all in the 2.6 tree these days. Do the 3rd level 
> numbers (2.6.19 vs 2.6.18) mean that now?

not quite.  2.6.19 is the crrent stable release; there will then be
further point releases;, etc, which are basically for bug
fixes.  new features are now going into the 2.6.20 tree.  Using git, you
cna checkout any revision you want and build from it.  but it's advised
to use the ubuntu git tree; see thewiki page I referenced in my last


> -- 
> Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
> (Dennis Ritchie)
Matt Price
History Dept
University of Toronto
matt.price at
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