modem not responding

Bill Marcum marcumbill at
Sat Dec 23 05:01:03 UTC 2006

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006 20:52:57 +0200, housam marzouk 
  <housam59 at> wrote:
> --> Waiting for carrier.
> ATDT07770777
> CONNECT 50667
> --> Carrier detected. Waiting for prompt.
> ** Welcome **
> ascend%
> --> Hmm... a prompt. Sending "ppp".
> ppp
> PPP: Not enabled

Wvdial waits for a prompt, then your ISP sends a prompt that wvdial 
doesn't understand.  Try putting "Stupid Mode" in /etc/wvdial.conf 
This tells wvdial not to wait for the prompt.

There are no threads in a.b.p.erotica,  so there's no  gain in using a
threaded news reader.
(Unknown source)

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