configuring eclipse-pydev

VladimírLapáček vladimir.lapacek at
Fri Dec 22 09:06:01 UTC 2006

> You have to go to Window > Preferences > Pydev > Interpreter Jython and 
> specify a path to jython.jar, on my system it's:

This is correct. You need to go to Eclipse preferences like described above and
set the appropriate interpreters. Without this the eclipse-pydev plugin does not
know, which interpreter you want to use to run your scripts.

> /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev.jython_1.2.0/jython.jar

I just add that if you use the latest eclipse-pydev-1.2.5 package, the
jython.jar file got removed from the above location, so you should use
/usr/share/java/jython.jar or /usr/share/jython.jar.

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