How can one say Linux is $-free . . . ?

Rutger van Haasteren rvhaasteren at
Thu Dec 21 10:16:04 UTC 2006

Well, that's the idea of GPLd software. People have been coding all day (for
many days). And they are giving it away for free. The reason this works so
well is that there are many people doing this and they like it. Some do make
money through donations, but mainly the community does this for free. Many
developers understand this and therefore give back to the community by
providing patches when they find bugs. I think this is a great system, and
it does work. Just go to and read about it. It is a great


On 12/21/06, Martin Marcher <martin.marcher at> wrote:
> Am 21.12.2006 um 05:24 schrieb YAGNESH N DESAI:
> > This is reply to a old topic which I raised when I just started
> > using LINUX.
> > This is to put to the record that I am still using Linux (feels
> > good to have survived)
> >
> Congratulations :)
> > Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 16:32:31 +0530
> > From: "YAGNESH N DESAI" <ynd at>
> > Subject: How can one say Linux is  $-free . . . ?
> > To: <ubuntu-users at>
> > Message-ID: <s540e3a4.012 at>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> >
> > Friends;
> >
> > I just shifted to Linux and have tried on laptop read a lot about the
> > meaning of Free. But just was wondering is it really $-free . . . ?
> No it isn't and hopefully never will (imho as that won't survive).
> Just to make sure you got it. Free Software isn't free as in beer,
> free as in freedom (often heard that never thought about it until
> well, let me tell you....)
> Once upon a time....
> I was searching for an accounting software that was "free" (at that
> time I thought free as in nothing to pay for it) I found several that
> wouldn't charge a cent for it but were quite... useless. Now after a
> lot of research I also found several non-free (again just thinking in
> terms of money here). The best I could find to use was I think it was
> called qtudo which was GPLd at that time and free of charge. The
> downside was the author tried to make money with support (imho in the
> wrong way because he did provide the sources and all of the stuff but
> didn't give any documentation - nada, nothing) - last thing I saw
> from qtudo was that the version wasn't available free anymmore (don't
> know about GPL but I think he also dropped GPL for the new versions).
> Now what I found was a nice GPL piece of software that one could
> download install had documentation used an sql backend,
> customizeable, all the nifty stuff that you could think of. Ok so I
> started setting it up playing around, doing some stuff just to find:
> Oh my god, someone actually charges for GPLd software. And not too
> little if you used they wanted about 2000 € for the basic module
> (which was just a part of the source you could download and of course
> lacked a lot of features I wanted). Ok so I started asking around and
> found:
> That is just normal, good behaviour even and absolutely correct to do
> so.
> Imagine what would happen if Oracle GPLd their database server. I
> guess they wouldn't drop charging for it but support would simply
> say: Is this a support version? and if it is not you are screwed (Not
> that I'm an oracle expert or a anything I just didn't want to use the
> MS example)
> Well I ended up sticking with the old accounting software for Windows
> with windows but switched to openoffice and all the other apps that
> are useable (note that I am using free (as in both, beer and freedom)
> software, even thou I just said it is good to charge for software). I
> do support some of the projects by buying the distro. But still what
> would you live from if you were coding all day and give it away for
> free?
> Martin.
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