List of packages from certain repo

Thilo Six T.Six at
Wed Dec 20 18:22:54 UTC 2006

John L Fjellstad wrote the following on 19.12.2006 05:28:
> Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof <lists at> writes:
>> It's a bit strange that programs like apt aptitude and synaptic can't 
>> complete a simple task like this.
> I'm not sure it's that simple, because the information (AFAIK) is just
> not there.  Once a package is installed, the system doesn't keep track
> of where the package came from.

This is wrong, sorry.

$ apt-cache policy nano
  Mögliche Pakete:1.3.10-1
 *** 1.3.10-1 0
        500 dapper/main Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

..and e.g. when disabling this repo in sources.list (for testing
purpose) in synaptic all packges from there are suddenly amrked as
installed localy in "status" tab.

So apt keeps track where the packages came from after installing!

But what i do not know how to get a list of packges from a specific repo.
The above only shows the other way round (show the repo a specific
package came from).

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

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