TV card software?

Bob Adams bob55 at
Tue Dec 19 20:54:55 UTC 2006

In message <200612190755.kBJ7t8On028539 at>,
Trevor Nye <trevor.nye at> writes
>Tvtime will work with your card then I am running it on my machine.
>Good luck
I have now tried both Xdtv and Tvtime. Xdtv appeared to install okay but
after running it from the command line, didn't seem to give me much more
that Xawtv already offered. Tvtime not only installed perfectly but also
added itself into the Sound & Vision menu so it was already winning. :-)
Perfect picture too so that is the one I'll be keeping.

And the sound problem? Gnome ALSA Mixer proved to be the culprit with
having the 'line in' unchecked. Now working fine.

Thanks to all,


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