PHP and being brain locked

Mark Mace macem at
Tue Dec 19 18:04:20 UTC 2006

Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> OK, I'll be the first to admit that I'm in a case of brain freeze. I've
> brought up a new ubuntu (actually kubuntu, but the configuration should
> be the same) box. I've installed apache and php4. When I try to view a
> ..php page, I'm getting an error telling me that apache doesn't know what
> to do with php files.
> Would someone be so kind as to let me know what I've omitted? It won't
> bother me if you laugh at me as you do ... I deserve it.

sounds like apache doesn't know what to do with php files.  Look in your 
apache.conf file for the following line(s)

LoadModule php5_module        modules/
//modify it to match version of php

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
//this tells apache to parse .php files as php.


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