Video Playback in Firefox

Benjamin Zeller zeller at
Tue Dec 19 09:40:16 UTC 2006

On Sunday 17 December 2006 12:28, Scott wrote:
> Chris Rohde spake thusly on 12/16/2006 06:55 PM:
> > Heya All,
> > So, I've recently noticed that in both Firefox and Flock I can only get
> > maybe 2 or 3 seconds worth of video playback, mostly in youtube videos.
> > Any idea why? I see the bar keep loading, but can't figure out why it
> > stops playing there.
> Well in the case of YouTube (and an ever expanding list of sites with
> video) they utilize Flash. And the current version of Flash for Linux is
> woefully out of date.  Rumor has it this will be corrected in a month or
> so.

Made quite good experiences with flash beta.

Benjamin Zeller
Ing.-Büro Hohmann
Bahnhofstr. 34
D-82515 Wolfratshausen

Tel.:  +49 (0)8171 347 88 12
Mobil: +49 (0)160 99 11 55 23
Fax:   +49 (0)8171 910 778
mailto: zeller at
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