install of 6.10 on a desktop

Christopher Dale chrisd at
Mon Dec 18 23:50:03 UTC 2006

Hi David,

I believe I've run into that before. It may be your partitioning 
settings are a little scewed or perhaps aren't correct. If you could 
post them, that would be helpful in diagnosing the problem.

Thanks David,


J. David Boyd wrote:
> I'm trying to install 6.10 on a computer.
> Everything runs find off of the live CD.  The scanner scans, the web camera
> works, the internet works, everything is fine.
> However, when I go to install to the hard drive, after entering user info,
> partitioning, etc, the screen says installing software.
> When it gets to 59%, it stops.  And I do mean stops.  No drive access light,
> no cd spinning, nothing.
> I've tried it several times.
> My question is, is there someway to find out what is going on? There is no
> info displayed on the screen, other than the status bar.
> How do I dig in and find out what is going wrong?
> Or, is there some way to do a non-graphic install of the CD?  Would that give
> me more information, possibly?
> Any ideas are welcome!
> TIA,
> Dave

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