Gmail ???

Felipe Alfaro Solana felipe.alfaro at
Sun Dec 17 17:49:44 UTC 2006

On 12/17/06, Richard <cms01 at> wrote:
> Wondering if ANYONE, has gone full gmail account, and drop
> Thunderbird ...etc and just using gmail for sending and receiving emails.
> I mean 100% usage
> if So, please tell me how it is, any problems...
> and what are the major advantages, say comparing a ISP service,
> and using a client app say thunderbird compare to a web browser...

/me did a long time ago.

The advantages: the GMail's spam filter is good, the built-in search
engine is awesome, the quota is huge, I can read my e-mail from
anywhere in the world (even from my cell phone), labeling mails is
much more useful than using folders, you can apply filters, you have
integrated IM, and so on.

The disadvantages: you get ads, you leave your e-mail in hands of a
third-party, if GMail goes down you won't be able to read you e-mail,
and so on.

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