Version Control on a USB Memory stick

James Gray james at
Thu Dec 14 01:19:33 UTC 2006

On Thursday 14 December 2006 10:05, Andy wrote:

> Is it safe to put a CVS or Subversion repository on a USB stick?

Yes - done it before and it worked well.

> Does anyone know of any better solutions to my problem or have an
> recommendations to what version control I could use?

Simple projects can probably be managed quite nicely with CVS, however, 
Subversion has some nice features that make it easier to work with 
(especially if you're in need of renaming files or moving them around the 
source tree).

> Both machines are running Ubuntu 6.06.

No problems - just make sure the USB key is always mounted in the same place 
and you'll be fine.  Both KDE and Gnome have really neat tools to interface 
with CVS and SVN...or you can use the command line :)

> The Version Control working on Windows might be an advantage but as
> the Windows machines are locked down to prevent software installation
> then I doubt it matters too much (anyway developing on Linux is much
> nicer, plus the code is for an embedded system running Linux so it
> needs to be compiled and run on Linux)

Tortoise CVS ( is a Windows program that embeds 
CVS control neatly into the UI.  There is also a Tortoise for SVN if you'd 
prefer (

> Thanks for any advice you guys can provide

HTH :)

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