Ubuntu on a 486?

Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 06:37:50 UTC 2006

On 12/13/06, Martin Marcher <martin.marcher at openforce.com> wrote:
> According to that ubuntu could also drop support for those nice
> little sparc boxes it just got certified for. We could drop this
> support that's not the objective of ubuntu, you can run netbsd or
> debian on these boxes....

Adding to my other mail, there's an important difference between these
machines and 486 hardware: you can find them on the market, new. They
aren't available only from thrift shops, garage sales, they come
brand-new from Sun. Or is there a shop where you can get new 486
boards, processors, etc?

If Canonical thinks they are better off with these certs, good. I'm
not enthusiastic, partly because I don't own them, but it's not my
choice. If Ubuntu's quality drops because of this, I'll see what to
do. It's not as if I haven't had this choice before.

I'm not trying to be polemic here, this is only my opinion too (I'm
not a world expert, just a not-so-humble student).
Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out: http://moranar.com.ar
MSN - GTalk - Jabber: moranar at gmail.com
ICQ: 4410132

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