C programming environment

Martin Marcher martin.marcher at openforce.com
Tue Dec 12 07:45:16 UTC 2006

Am 11.12.2006 um 22:37 schrieb John L Fjellstad:

> But then again, I just read an interesting snipped from
> "The Pragramtic Programmer" (Hunt, Thomas) where they mention that you
> should just pick one editor and master it (tip 22)

Absolutely true, if you master your one true editor (which should of  
course be vim not emacs as you stated :), you will be very efficient.  
Though I think a good toolchain is what makes programming fun, you  
can have the worst stile while writing code, our little unix helpers  
will do it for you,


gawk(1) or awk
"Your favorite Bookmark Collection"®
$SHELL (I heard zshell should be convenient but never could make  
myself up to switch)
some versioning system
a little understanding about shell scripting

To name just a few. The most important ones to me are a versioning  
system and indent which I use to format code snippets from the web  
the way I want (which is also why I can't understand people keep  
complaining about different code styles, I found mine - I can  read  
it - _and_ I expect developers to know how to reformat it if they  
feel the need to do so).



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