Is it crazy to buy a MacBook?

James Gray james at
Mon Dec 11 19:22:40 UTC 2006

On 10/12/2006, at 7:17 AM, Gregor Tudan wrote:

> Magnus Runesson schrieb:
>> I am thinking about buying a notebook/laptop and only run Ubuntu  
>> on it.
>> One of my choices is a MacBook with Intel Core 2 Duo.
>> ( )
>> I read Matt Galvins blogg today
>> ( ) and was
>> positively surprised.
>> Would I be crazy if I buy a MacBook or is it a good idea?
>> The Macbook is not more expensive than comparable clean PC-laptops.
>> One of the PC-laptops I have looked at is MSI S271
>> pro_nb_selling.php?UID=622
> I guess we all agree that MacBooks are quite powerfull but you pay
> mainly for "the package" of OS, Design and Hardware. You could  
> probably
> get a more compatible or even more powerfull Notebook to a much lower
> price. Still, there is a certain coolness factor, that comes with
> apple-products ;-)

Gah - the "Macs are expensive" myth.  Go and find a non-Mac lappy  
with Intel Core2 >= 2GHz, and a comparable mix of built in extras  
(dedicated video card and video RAM - on the Pro models, wifi,  
ethernet, firewire, DVD+/-RW, bluetooth, webcam, etc, etc) and then  
compare it to a MacBook or MacBook Pro.  Macs are not particularly  
expensive, but they are damned cool and come with one of the most  
useable and mature desktop operating systems in the world (OSX).

Don't get me wrong, I love Linux and use it all the time (I have  
Ubuntu on my workstation at work) but all Macs have one unique  
characteristic - the ability to run OSX and be supported.  If you  
don't want or need that, then why bother struggling with Linux (or  
even Windows) on a Mac?  Just buy a Mac, use OSX and be happy - I  
sure am :)


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