How do I restart DHCP discovery from GUI ( ubuntu 6.10)

Carsten Aulbert carsten at
Mon Dec 11 07:16:16 UTC 2006

primorec wrote:
> Is there a GUI tool used for stopping/starting/restarting network
> (ethernet card) ?

Have you tried to use a program from the network-manager family?

$ apt-cache search network-manager
knetworkmanager - User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager
network-manager - network management framework daemon
network-manager-dev - network management framework (development files)
network-manager-gnome - network management framework (GNOME frontend)

It's an extremely neat tool, and I wonder how I lived without it. You'll
get a small tray icon which allows you to disconnect from a network and
reconnect. It also stores the passphrases for wireless networks if wanted.



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