Ext3 resizing and performance

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Sun Dec 10 20:31:08 UTC 2006

Now I am in the Ext3 territory I do have a couple of things that I'd
like to clear up.

Firstly I am unsure about the -T flag with news, largefile, largefile2
being options, which should I choose for best performance on / ?

More importantly is how do you grow a logical volume ONLINE, without
first unmounting it when it is using Ext3?

What does the "commit" function actually do? I have changed it from 5
seconds to 600 on my laptop - will that affect something adversely?

I recently changed all my LVs from ReiserFS to Ext3 formats. I can't
believe the difference - about 20% increase in performance. GIMP now
starts in 5 seconds instead of 7 after the computer being freshly
rebooted. On the whole the computer seems to do a whole lot less
scratching when firing up applications. I can't say that ReiserFS was
fragmented, I had a standard desktop install and it was freshly
installed just 3 weeks ago.

Before changing to Ext3 I gave JFS a whirl and found it to be sllooww.
Copying a large file took 6 mins as opposed to 4 on Reiser. And just
starting the computer or applications would result in more-than-required
HDD thrashing - obviously not a good filesystem for the computer and
quite perhaps easily fragmented.

I much appreciate any advice
Best regards

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