opening ports

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Sun Dec 10 20:21:44 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-12-10 at 13:48 -0500, Bruce wrote:
> 1) How would I open ftp ports after doing an apt-get install proftpd?
> 2) What is the initial port configuration for Dapper Drake and how do we 
> control the opening and closing of ports for various "apt-get"  packages 
> and for "home brew" code such as perl networking code development?
> Thank you,
> Bruce

Hi there Bruce!

The default install of Ubuntu in general and Dapper in particular
doesn't have ports closed off as such. There is simply no software
installed or configured in such a way that it opens and listens on
ports. If you fire up an IRC client you would find that a bunch of ports
are opened because of that particular application.

There is no firewalling installed by default and so it isn't a case of
opening up ports (unless you installed firewall software yourself). If
you have a standard install of Dapper and then apt-get install proftpd
the ftp service will open up port 21 (or what ever you configure) and
begin listening. I am not sure what happened with your install but can
only say that you double-check the configuration files and ensure that
you do something like /etc/init.d/proftpd restart to ensure config
changes take effect.

I have installed proftpd and vsftpd multiple times on different Ubuntu
versions without that kind of problem. You may hit some difficulties if
you try to install an ftp packages and the /home already contains an ftp
directory. I'd suggest mv /home/ftp /home/ftp2 so when you install the
proftpd packages it will recreate the home dir and correct any
permission issues. Think I'm barking up the wrong tree though, so I'll
quit and see what others come up with.


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