Feisty: Intel 945GM with xserver-xorg-video-intel, Problem with vga-out and resolution

Erling Ringen Elvsrud systemansvarlig at vagaungdomsskule.no
Wed Dec 6 14:24:33 UTC 2006


I have installed the xserver-xorg-video-intel package and updated
xorg.conf[1] in order to get adequate OpenGL performance. The i810
driver is unreliable in Google Earth which my users want.

All well exept vga-out.

I connect the laptop to a HP vp6325 projector and press Fn+F8 once to
activate vga-out. It works well but with a weird resolution. The
projector displays the picture in a widescreen resolution 1360x768.
xdpyinfo or xrandr reports 1024x768 even if it is clearly different on
the canvas. 

This is serious issue for my non technical users. The projector setup
works well with Dapper (get 1024x768 resolution on the canvas).

Any advice is appreciated.


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