Democracyplayer for Dapper?

Scott slewin at
Mon Dec 4 18:01:49 UTC 2006

Tony Brezovski wrote:
> Not sure about Dapper, but Democracyplayer works fine
> on Edgy here (actually, I'm using Mint which is just
> Edgy under the hood). Install with "sudo apt-get
> install democracyplayer" command.
	Yes, an older version of democracy player (version .8 something) is in 
the edgy repositories, but there are none in dapper.

	I had version .9.1 working in dapper fine before I upgraded to edgy, 
but I had the backports enabled in Dapper.  I never had any troubles 
with any dependencies.  The only thing I had to do was do a install 
through synaptic instead of doing a simple left click on the .deb.  Are 
you trying to install the new .9.2?  Maybe that one requires newer 

Your friend,

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EnGarde! Death with Honour

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