
Mitch Contla mcontla at
Mon Dec 4 02:28:45 UTC 2006

norman said the following on 12/03/2006 11:44 AM:
> < snip >      
>> This all depends on where the firewall is. If you are relying on the
>> firewall on your router, and the machines you want to connect to are on
>> the local network side, this isn't an issue. However, if you are running
>> a firewall on your ubuntu machine, then port 631 could very well be
>> blocked, and that would explain why you cant make a connection.
>> Based on your previous posts, it appears port 631 is listening on all
>> interfaces. The question here is what is stopping your windows machine
>> from connecting to port 631. What happens if you open a command prompt
>> on your windows machine and type (where ubuntu_server is the host name
>> or ip address):
>> C:\> telnet ubuntu_server 631
>> Do you get a "Could not open connection to the host" error?
> No, I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the top left corner.
Perfect, that's exactly what you should get. Your ubuntu box is
accepting connections on 631.
>> One other thought, are you in fact specifying the port when testing the
>> connection via your browser? In other words, typing the following
>> address with 631 specified in the address in your windows browser (where
>> ubuntu_server is the host name or ip address):
>> http://ubuntu_server:631/printers
> I get my printers listed with a brief description.
> Norman
Even better!! Cups is listening, accepting connections, and your windows
browser can get to it.

(I'm curious what changed from your previous post when you said your
browser returned "Page cannot be displayed". Did you reboot your ubuntu
machine??, restart cups??, typo when you entered the url??)

Setting up your print now should be a snap. Start the Add Printer wizard
on your windows machine, select Network Printer, and type the following
address in URL (where ubuntu_server is the host name or ip address for
your ubuntu machine, and printer_name is the name of your printer).
Don't forget the '631':


Finish the Add Printer wizard and install the driver. That should be it.
Let me know how it turns out!


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