[ubuntu-users] subject line

Bill Davidson harley7 at cogeco.ca
Sun Dec 3 16:28:59 UTC 2006

michaelpo at myjaring.net wrote:
> What is "hijack"?
> How does it screw up threading?

To hijack a thread is starting a new thread by replying to an existing. 
When you do this, your message will show up as part of the existing 
thread. Mailers often use headers other than the Subject to assign a 
message to a thread.

Proper netiquette is to start a new thread by creating a brand new 
message (clicking on the "Write" button in thunderbird. Perhaps "New 
Message" or "Compose" in other mailers.)

> I'm using Thunderbird.
> There is no rightclick to filter.

Open the "Message" menu and click "Create filter from message".

> I cant find "x-beenthere".

You need to view all headers to see it. View -> Headers -> All. In order 
to create the filter, Message -> Create filter from message. Open the 
dropdown box that says "From" and click "Customize..." to add a new 
header to the list. Type either List-Id or X-BeenThere and click Add. 
Now you can filter based on the contents of the new header.


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