Linux read/write access to NTFS partition

Alex Mandel tech_dev at
Sun Dec 3 06:23:58 UTC 2006

Ouattara Oumar Aziz wrote:
>> I have always suggested to use a Fat32 partition to swap files instead
>> of trying to access the NTFS partition at all. Fat32 support is great in
>> (K)Ubuntu and in Windblows.
> I agree with you concerning the support. But I have to work with files 
> larger than 4Go and FAT32 doesn't support that. So I have to make a 
> choice ( cause I am still working with the 2 OS ) : NTFS or EXT3FS
> What do you suggest me ?
Use the EXT driver for windows, the key thing is partition. Don't mount
your Linux OS partition just mount a data partition. That should keep
you from hosing anything.
So like this, 3 partitions:


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