When do you turn off your Ubuntu boxes?

Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 18:43:16 UTC 2006

On 12/2/06, Florian Diesch <diesch at spamfence.net> wrote:
> Chanchao <custom at freenet.de> wrote:
> > to do is pull the plug, save power & fans, and smell the clear breeze
> > outside.
> Outside? That's the wardrobe where the pizza service is in, right?

Yeah, with the big blue roof and the shiny light that moves. Or, in my
case, there's no pizza, but cold and a strange, cold gray vapour. And
the roof is light gray. A simple matter of taste, I guess.

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out: http://moranar.com.ar
MSN - GTalk - Jabber: moranar at gmail.com
ICQ: 4410132

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