When do you turn off your Ubuntu boxes?

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Dec 1 01:47:10 UTC 2006

Peter Hummers wrote:

> I found this on Digg, about the energy-saving aspects of turning
> computers off when not in use (/not/ about the software, which is
> Windows only):
> http://preview.tinyurl.com/yk9lqr
> On Un*x, I've always left my computer on overnight (actually, for months
> at a time) to let cron do its housekeeping, but I see that Ubuntu
> installs anacron, which will complete the same tasks according to time
> elapsed since the last instance, not absolute time (i.e. 15:00).
> How often do you all turn off your desktop Ubuntu boxes?

I live off-grid, so I turn off _everything_.  I only use laptops, but I
almost never actually reboot - just hibernate & resume.

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