Linpopup replacement

Florian Diesch diesch at
Thu Aug 31 22:46:06 UTC 2006

Dieter Schicker <dieter.schicker at> wrote:

> is there a replacement for linpopup out there? I don't want to install
> samba on each machine. That's why I'm looking for something "thinner".

Maybe one of these will do:

,----[ ~/bin/pkgdesc xtell ]
| Package: xtell
| Description: Simple messaging client and server, sort of networked write
|  Simple messaging client and server, allowing you to send messages
|  from computer running xtell client to computer running xtelld server.
|  Can be used as replacement for write(1).

,----[ ~/bin/pkgdesc xipmsg ]
| Package: xipmsg
| Description: A pop up style message communication software
|  IP Messenger is a pop up style message communication software
|  for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP).
|  Xipmsg is the X11 version of IP Messenger. It can communicate
|  with IP Messengers for Windows/MacOS.


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