vmware on ubuntu

Guillermo Garron guillermo.fedora at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 21:25:08 UTC 2006

On 8/31/06, John Dangler <jdangler at atlantic.net> wrote:
> I got vmware server up and running, and put XP up as a virtual machine.
> What's puzzling me is that there are no sound or usb devices showing.
> I know that Ubuntu sees these devices (although sound on Ubuntu is a bit
> of a toss-up).
> Has anyone here gotten these devices to work properly on vmware server?
> Thanks for the input.
> --
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You need to edith your machine, and add a device, in this case Sound,
you will see once you are in there.
also you need to make (from the VMWare menu) usb available for the
virtual machine.
you do not need VMPlayer, just with your VMServer should work but by
default sound and USD did not come enabled.
if you can't find where to do it, later I can send you a screenshot.

Guillermo Garron
(Using FC5, CentOS4.2 and Ubuntu 6.06)

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