setting over nfs server on ubuntu

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at
Thu Aug 31 19:09:21 UTC 2006

milegrin wrote:
> I have found if hav teh following, mounting remote NFS shares works
> BUT [/usr/sbin/]exportfs is missing so I cannot create new or alter
> existing shares :

I am on Dapper 6.06.1, and I find that /usr/bin/exportfs is part of 
nfs-kernel-server. If you type:

dpkg -L nfs-kernel-server

you should see all the files in the package. If you do not have 
nfs-kernel-server installed (yet), you can still see the files in the 
package if you have 'apt-file' installed (you will first need to run 
'apt-file update'). In this case you can type:

apt-file list nfs-kernel-server

and it should show /usr/bin/exportfs.

I used to use breezy earlier, and /usr/sbin/exportfs was part of the 
nfs-kernel-server package in breezy too.


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