apt-get update not working ?

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at schoenhaber.de
Wed Aug 30 22:58:33 UTC 2006

Michał Sznajder wrote:
> I did some more dig-in. I have installed ethreal by hand and captured
> both apt-get and browser generated traffic. With browser I see proper
> SYN/ACK ping-pong on TCP layer, than HTTP request is sent and server
> responds with data. With apt-get I see proper SYN/ACK, HTTP request is
> sent and than I get RST packet: connection is closed. The only visible
> difference is the HTTP request (see below).
> The funniest thing is that if I try apt request over direct raw telnet
> connection it just works! Server sends file back!
> Any ideas? It must be something stupid...
> ------APT REQUEST -------
> http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/restricted/source/S
>ources.bz2 HTTP/1.1

Hm, that's a request you would make when you're using a proxy.

> - /etc/apt/apt.conft has Acquire::http::Proxy "false"; inside

I'd comment that line and see if things get better.


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