more lockup laptop problems with dapper

Marius Gedminas marius at
Wed Aug 30 12:41:13 UTC 2006

On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 13:44:01 +0200
Nik <nik at> wrote:

> > radeon locks up after a couple of hours.  vesa reduces resolution of
> > the screen.  Doesn't seem to be able to display the full 1400 x 1040.
> > You now, one would think that for something so important as the video 
> > driver, there would be a fund-raising effort to pay the developers to
> > do the damn job right. 
> They do.
> The radeon driver works 100% here.
> Please take your childish rants elsewhere.

I am very grateful to X developers that wrote the open-source radeon
driver.  But it does cause occasional total crashes on my laptop (sometimes
three times a day, more often once per month).  Bugs happen, and then they
get fixed (hopefully).

Marius Gedminas
Give a man a computer program and you give him a headache, but teach him to
program computers and you give him the power to create headaches for others
for the rest of his life...
        -- R. B. Forest
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