
Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Aug 28 23:52:09 UTC 2006

On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 19:27:15 +0100
Norman Silverstone <norman at> wrote:

> < snip >
> > Try /var/cache/apt/archives - that's where my install files always end 
> > up after downloading.
> > 
> You are correct, both the files I want are there but they need to be
> extracted. I tried to extract one of them only to be told that this had
> already been done. So, my next question is, where should I look for the
> extracted files?

Norman -

The "cached for local installation" thing happens with all installs, as
far as I remember. The *.deb packages land in /var/cache/apt/archives,
but you don't need to worry about that. The install is complete, as the
message told you :)

To look for the executable, you can do this:

dpkg -L  <name-of-package> | grep bin

So ( I'm assuming you are talking about gtranscode)

dpkg -L gtranscode | grep bin

As i don't have it installed, I used apt-file, which lists/finds files from
packages even if they aren't on the system 
( see:  apt-cache show apt-file )

$ apt-file list gtranscode | grep bin
gtranscode: usr/bin/gtranscode

So I think you will find the executable to run gtranscode
is /usr/bin/gtranscode   - which is in your PATH variable anyway. Thus
typing "gtranscode" should start it for you, or of course you can add a
menu entry or a launcher with the command /usr/bin/gtranscode ( just
gtranscode should also work)

The dpkg -L <packagename> | less

command would show you all the files from a package, but usually you don't
need to know all of them.


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