configure ez-ipupdate for other dns service

Tony K. tony.kruse at
Mon Aug 28 23:08:34 UTC 2006

I wanted to use the ubuntu ez-ipupdate package rather than one
provided by a third party.  I installed the ez-ipupdate using apt-get.

I tried creating a config file for use of ez-ipupdate with a different
service ( than the defaults listed.  When I tried running
ez-ipupdate I got the following response.

$ sudo /usr/sbin/ez-ipupdate -c /etc/ez-ipupdate/dnsexit.conf
unknown service type: dnsexit
try one of:
  null ezip pgpow dhs dyndns dyndns-static dyndns-custom ods
  tzo easydns easydns-partner gnudip justlinux dyns hn zoneedit

Can I not use ez-ipupdate for other services?  Does the information
about a different service from those listed need to be provided in
another config file or compiled into the program?

The config file reads (*my own settings*)...


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