MPlayer Teal Green Double Cross Error Message

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Mon Aug 28 18:25:54 UTC 2006

Sorry Florin.
Followed your post step by step, instaled everything
listed that I didn't have installed and then some.
However, still getting the same teal green error
message about "application/x-mplayer2" requiring the
appropriate plugin. I have also added nsplugin viewer
to the top of the list in all video related embedded
file associations. I have removed firefox, but not
swiftfox which also plays all the videos. Strange, it
seems that if firefox plays them then mozilla browser
should also. Somewhere, either in a userlist, howto or
wicki, I came across an instruction that you need to
tell mozilla browser which pligin to use. If this
means something other than adding the appropriate
player and embedded plugin viewer to the kde file
association table. someone please enlighten me about
Since this issue is still unresolved, I welcome any
other suggestions/comments from any user having any
thought on the subject. In the meantime I'll revisit
the howto links you provided and some I have
bookmarked looking for some clue to the solution.
Thanks for your thorough, detailed response.

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>> Hve posted on this related topic but no solution.
>> since installed Automatix and let it install
>> everything related to playing embedded videos but
>> still no solution. Related posts were:
>>  (Not)Playing Embedded Videos With Mozilla Browser
>>  Why Embedded Videos Wont Play On Linux? 
>> Am not experiencing user friendliness on this
>> The actual message says "This page contains
>> information of a type(application/x-mplayer2)that
>> only be viewed with the appropriate Plug-in."(exact
>> quote).
>> Of course, the mime type is listed in KDE's file
>> association table and I have added nsplugin viewer
>> the top of the embedded list for all video related
>> entries.
>> What I would like to do is play embedded videos
>> Mozilla browser(not firefox which plays; its too
>> on my old eyes) and using mplayerplug-in which has
>> worked well in the past on Debian distros.
>> If I can't get specific help on the setup(I think
>> a setup issue) then perhaps someone could list a
>> thouough, detailed wiki that could guide me through
>> all the setup issues. Would appreciate specific
>> and yes, I have googled much on this.
>> This is the only remaining important issue I have
>> using Kubuntu desktop and I'm impressed with the
>> otherwise user friendliness with the distro. Thanks
>> for any response.
>> Leonard Chatagnier
>> lenc5570 at
> You say that firefox hurts your eyes.  Have you
tried View>Text 
> Size>Increase, or Edit>Preferences>Content
> Advanced>Minimum Font Size?  If that doesn't help,
you may want to 
> remove firefox.  I wanted to try the mozilla suite >
(while already having 
> firefox), and had trouble with both.  On my machine,
> they didn't play 
> nice together.

Yes, tried them all. But haven't tried removing
firefox and was beginning to wonder if they
conflicted. If I get no other resolution I'll try

> I have not run mozilla much, but have you looked at

These also but could have missed something.

> I am using ubuntu, so my search in synaptic may not
tell you much.   Do 
> you have these installed:
> mozilla-mplayer
> gstreamer

Yes, mozilla-mplayer since day one; gstreamer
originally, apt removed it then Automatix put it back

> I am going to give you a list of packages that I
have installed by using 
> the search function in synaptic (codec was the
search term).
> Your version of g-streamer may be newer than mine,
so the version 
> numbers would be different.
> gstreamer0.8-dirac
> gstreamer0.8-dv
> "                  "   -ffmpeg
> "                  "   -flac
> "                  "   -xvid

I have:
i A gstreamer0.10-alsa
i   gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
i   gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3
i   gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mpegdemux
i   gstreamer0.10-gl
i A gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs
i   gstreamer0.10-pitfdll
i   gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
i   gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse
i A gstreamer0.10-plugins-base
i A gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
i   gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
i   gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multivers
i A gstreamer0.10-x
i   libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0
i   libgstreamer0.10-0
Everything that aptitude search lists. Automatrix
installed these all. All the gstreamer0.8 and
affiliates were "p" purged.

> Other codecs installed:
> libdirac0
> libdv4
> libflac7
> liboggflac3
> libxine1c2
> libvidcore4
> w32codecs

I didn't have libdirac0c2a, libdv4-dev, libxine1c2. I
installed these but not the gstreamer0.8 ones and wont
unless you say to install them. Elected to purge
firefox at this stage before reading further. Some
minor success; tried USA today video but required
flash8 so no video but got voice. Usually get the
green double cross error here. Also tried the usual
AP, reuters and Market watch videos and they gave the
same error message about application/x-mplayer2 with
no voice.

> If I search for mplayer my results are:
> gstreamer0.8-pitfdll
> mozilla-mplayer
> mplayer-386
> mplayer-fonts
> w32codecs

aptitude search mplayer yields for me:
id  kmplayer
i   kmplayer-base
id  kmplayer-doc
i   kmplayer-konq-plugins
i   mozilla-mplayer
i   mplayer
id  mplayer-386
id  mplayer-686
id  mplayer-doc
id  mplayer-fonts
i A mplayer-skins
v   mplayerplug-in                             
Don't know why w32codecs not listed as its installed

> A search for gstreamer turns up:
> gstreamer0.8-a52dec
> "                  "  -aa
> "                  "  -alsa
> "                  "  -artsd
> "                  "  -audiofile
> "                  "  -caca
> "                  "  -cdio
> "                  "  -cdparanoia
> "                  "  -dirac
> "                  "  -dv
> "                  "  -dvd
> "                  "  -esd
> "                  "  -faac
> "                  "  -faad
> "                  "  -fame
> "                  "  -festival
> "                  "  -ffmped
> "                  "  -flac
> "                  "  -gnomevfs
> "                  "  -gsm
> "                  "  -gtk
> "                  "  -hermes
> "                  "  -jack
> "                  "  -jpeg
> "                  "  -lame
> "                  "  -mad
> "                  "  -mikmod
> "                  "  -misc
> "                  "  -mms
> "                  "  -mpeg2dec
> "                  "  -musepack
> "                  "  -musicbrainz
> "                  "  -oss
> "                  "  -pitfdll
> "                  "  -plugin-apps
> "                  "  -plugins
> "                  "  -plugins-multiverse
> "                  "  -sdl
> "                  "  -sid
> "                  "  -speex
> "                  "  -swfdec
> "                  "  -theora
> "                  "  -tools
> "                  "  -visuals
> "                  "  -vorbis
> "                  "  -wavpack
> "                  "  -x
> "                  "  -xvid
> libglib2.0-cil
> libgstreamer0.8-0
> libgstreamer-gconf0.8-0
> libgstreamer-plugins0.8-0
> swf-player

I'm not sure that aptitude search is yielding the same
info as your search. I get the same gstreamer0.10 info
listed above and I don't have gstreamer0.8 installed.
Should I install it; does it conflict with
gstreamer0.10? A "show or policy" command doesn't show
any conflicts. Some guidance here is helpful; don't
mind doing it if that's what should be done.

> I expect that not all of these are necessary to do 
what you want, but 
> this will give you a place to start.  If you use
synaptic, you can look 
> up any of these packages to see what they do
(assuming you have all your 
> sources in order). 

Thanks for all the info. It will take me some time to
go over all you list but this is the kink of info I
needed. Much appreciated.

> I am running breezy, so if you are running dapper
most of these version 
> numbers will probably not be the same as yours. 

Yeah, Dapper. That may be the real problem. I'll post
the results just as soon as I go through the list.

> If you get no help from this list, have you tried a
mplayer list:  
> There are a couple of article links on this page:  
> Hope you get it running
> ~Lorin

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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