
Sam Peterson peabodyenator at
Mon Aug 28 13:05:59 UTC 2006

On 8/28/06, Norman Silverstone <norman at> wrote:

> Thanks for going to the trouble to find that information which I had
> assumed was the case. The software I want to use will accept .avi
> or .jpg and some others. I am just being awkward in that I know there is
> software to make the conversion but, as far as I can see, it runs only
> in windows. What I am trying to find is some way of making the
> conversion in Ubuntu.

mencoder can certainly do this, although it is a command line utility.
 I was under the impression that a there's a gui out there in the Open
Source world that wraps mencoder and transcode together, but I don't
know it off-hand.  Anybody?

Sam Peterson
peabody at
peabodyenator at

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