where is data on disk when using a live CD

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at numericable.fr
Mon Aug 28 01:40:43 UTC 2006

> On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 10:42 +1000, Stephan Vissers wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got an ubuntu installed on my disk and had some troubles last
> time time and did a reboot from my live CD. But as an unexperienced
> user I couldn't find my data that is on the disk (e.g. home folder). 
> What should I do to make this hard disk available for me to use?

The easiest thing to do in this case, is to just go to System->Administration, and click on "Disks".
Select the disk you are interested in, then click on the "Partitions" tab, click on the partition where you put your data.
Then to select a mounting point, click on the "Change" (Access path) button, and just browse/select to the "/media" folder for example.
Then click on the "Enable" button, this will mount the partition. Then just click on "Browse", and it will pop up a Nautilus window showing all your data. 



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