swap on a lv for hibernation

Michael V. De Palatis mvd at gatech.edu
Sun Aug 27 14:45:26 UTC 2006


On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 10:37:31PM +0100, Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> Hi,
> i remember reading sometime ago about successful hibernating to a swap
> partition that is a logical volume. Unfortunately I've lost the post, is
> someone please able to forward me the relevant post that says how to do
> this "trick". Cheers.
> Gabe

You may be referring to Dagobah's suspend2-patched kernels for
Dapper. They are available here:


There is also a forum post somewhere that details it a little bit
more, but I didn't find it in 2 seconds of searching (there are a lot
of results for suspend2, but I'm sure it's there somewhere).

For what it's worth, it works perfectly[*] for me.


[*] Every once in a while, it fails on suspend and I have to switch
the machine off. It seemed like this would only happen when I
unplugged my laptop before it switched off, so I stopped doing
that. Since then, I have only noticed it failing once out of dozens of
successful times. Running uptime tells me that the machine has been
"up" for > 6 days, and I hibernate it more than once per day, so it
almost never fails.

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