
dalila at despiertapr.com dalila at despiertapr.com
Sun Aug 27 11:57:36 UTC 2006

Simon Bassett wrote ..
> On Sat, 2006-08-26 at 12:49 -0400, dalila at despiertapr.com wrote:
> >  i read the ubuntu howto for ipod but it does not say how to import into
> the ipod,
> > can< someone shed some light on how to import into the ipod 
> There are a few programs that can perform this.
> 1. Amarok - this is more of a KDE app, but works fine under gnome. It is
> an all in one deal.
> 2. Banshee - A nice little player and ipod synch program
> 3. Gtkpod - A very straight forward, drag and drop, ipod program.
> 4. Listen - Best description I can give is an amarok-like gnome program,
> does most of the stuff that amarok does.

i know all thos apps, but how do you import into the ipod 

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