Linux not booting

loney ulist at
Sun Aug 27 04:35:56 UTC 2006

Setting the grub root to hd0 is part of the solution but not sufficient.
Rather than edit the boot script, boot to the LiveCD. Then issue:

sudo mkdir /target

sudo mount /dev/hda1 /target

sudo gedit /target/boot/grub/menu.lst

change hd2 to hd0 and /dev/hdc1 to /dev/hda1 (including in the

save and quit

sudo gedit /target/etc/fstab

change /dev/hdc1 to /dev/hda1

save and quit


This is a bit of a shortcut. It might be necessary to run grub and
grub-install, but I don't think so in this case. Let us know if this

It is preferable to install to the boot hard-drive if possible. Thus
you should have set the boot order to the new hard-drive in the BIOS
first, then install from the LiveCD, then remove the other two drives.


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