Obligatory "Oh, Lord, not another Newbie!" post
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sun Aug 27 02:54:41 UTC 2006
David Smith;1427322 Wrote:
> I have tried installing Linux in various incarnations at various times,
> with little or no practical results, because I just didn't get it.
> DOS, I
> got, Linux was Different. Don't mind commandlines, do mind not having
> an
> Effing Clue what I'm doing. But I'm not gonna do XP or Vista, and they
> wouldn't work without me buying newer hardware I can't afford. So I'm
> gonna try Ubuntu. Probably.
I learnt BASH faster than I learnt DOS, but that's just me, -the Linux
> Did that whole WINE business ever turn out to be anything? Didn't that
> DOS emulator thingie they used to have actually turn out to work? Do I
> get to keep playing with my decade-old DOS games, like F117A, Strike
> Eagle, JNUG, Doom?
I run all my software natively. Thats why I have XP on here as well for
games ;).
Wine and Cedega do require tweaking, and plus, I haven't found any
software for Windows that doesn't have a Linux counterpart. Only
> Is there a big three-inch-thick book that everybody gets but nobody
> thinks
> to mention? I used to like them books.
You mean like the DOS 6.1 bible that my IT teacher carries around?
Probably, there are plenty of books on open source software. I know how
to use BASH only from following Ubuntu howtos.
> What's the first thing you wish you'd known to do when you installed
> Ubuntu that you didn't do cause you didn't know you should?
Nothing. Ubuntu worked for me out of the box, mostly, everything was
right were I expected it to be. I can tell you something I wish I had
done with windows though: install a dozen antivirus programs, Firefox
and -completely lock it down-.
> Would I be crazy to install Ubuntu on my laptop? Would it be likely to
> recognize and handle my 32-bit NetGear wireless PCCard with no
> problems,
> or do I end up with a laptop I can't use and can't fix cause I can't
> get
> to the web?
I installed Ubuntu on my brother's laptop and the wireless worked out
of the box. Having hardly used laptops, it took me a good half an hour
to realize I needed a WEP key though. :p
> I -really- don't want to have my life focused on getting my OS working
> properly, rather than doing my email & such. (Been there, done that,
> repeatedly.) I want this to Just Work.
Expect to need to tweak your OS just like you would with Windows.
> My desktop, well, that's for Mercury, and I don't necessarily have to
> have
> a mailserver. But I do need my laptop, I do need my mail, I do need my
> webrowser to do my web-based Medical Transcription course. And I'd
> like
> my games.
> Maybe I should just do the desktop, and do the laptop only when I'm
> more
> confident?
That's what the Live CD is for. Boot the Live CD and see what you can
get working, and come here when there's something you need help with.
If I was you however, I would keep Windows for the games.
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