Rebuilt kernel => no consoles?

David Abrahams dave at
Sun Aug 27 01:08:48 UTC 2006

David Abrahams <dave at> writes:

> Alan Mckinnon <alan at> writes:
>> On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 08:02 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:
>>> Alan Mckinnon <alan at> writes:
>>> > I found it odd that you didn't have the same choices as me, so I looked
>>> > closer - the selections I mentioned all depend on EMBEDDED, so I must
>>> > have selected this somewhere... odd. These are vanilla sources patched
>>> > with the suspend2 stuff from gentoo (I don't have ubuntu's sources
>>> > handy).
>>> >
>>> > Anyway, my last kernel update has also removed my consoles, and it has
>>> > something to do with framebuffers. I'll tell you the solution once I've
>>> > fixed it - drop me a reminder in a few days if I forget to report up :-)
>>> Thank you; I will.  Any idea about why my wireless doesn't show up
>>> either? 
>> Do you mean the wireless driver itself doesn't show up? If so I have no
>> idea - I could never get the vanilla ipw2200 to work at all so now I use
>> the drivers direct from that project at sourceforge. It requires that
>> the 802.11 stack and the ipw2200 driver be deselected in .config, and
>> now I can't find where they should go in the menu..
> I see two 802.11 stacks in my .config
>    Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (IEEE80211)
> and
>    Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (IEEE80211_1_1_13)
> I assume both need to be deselected?

Oh, and now I remember what made me so reluctant to do this.  The last
time I tried to rebuild the stack, the very first thing it wanted to
do was blow away all of the relevant existing files in
/lib/modules/..., which means that undoing the install if something
goes wrong is tricky at best.  How do you deal with that issue?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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