ubuntu launchpad teams

Brendon brendontoogood at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 07:12:13 UTC 2006

hi there one and all,  i am writing in here it might be a bit off topic 
but here goes,  just wanting to vice my opinion  on something,  that is 
with the teams on launchpad,  i have applied to join some teams  but 
haven't heard back or been validated, and the likes, when for my points are
a) it a place where i can learn as well as helping others, as i have 
learnt alot from this mailing list, and from the lug mailing list i am on.

b)  how can people become active members of the teams if the moderators 
don't validate people.

c) i have applied to become a ubuntu member  but it says you have to be 
there to be validated, by the council. it is a bit hard when you live 
over the other side of the world and there meetings are  like early  in 
the morning my time(i am new zealand) it is a bit hard, as i have 
promoted ubuntu  on messages board, installed it peoples machive and 
have been a strong advocate.

beside all the above points i love the ubuntu version of linux and will 
promote it to the max.

  Brendon Toogood
  Ubuntu Linux Advocate
  Linux Registered User #417189

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